a flight instructor demonstrates their coaching ability by

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Drawing on previously discussed theoretical knowledge, this chapter discusses specific recommendations on how to use this information to teach aviation students, Teaching is to instruct or train someone, or the profession of someone who teaches. Understanding these distinctions helps the instructor become a more skilled user of questions, The instructor often uses a question to open up an area for discussion. Blocks for instructor endorsements also may be included at appropriate points. In such cases, it is practical and advisable to give the students a brief general survey of the topic during the introduction. An effective instructor never stops learning. In the opening scenario, students performed a task (weight and balance computation) as a group, and prior to terminating the performance phase, they were allowed to independently complete the task at least once with supervision and coaching as necessary, In this phase, the instructor judges student performance. Injuries: one serious, one minor, one uninjured", The flight instructor has the student analyze the information and suggest possible reasons for the accident. [Figure 4-12] E-learning comes in many formats. They can focus on the area they either need to study or want to study For example, a maintenance student who wants to find information on the refueling of a specific aircraft could use a CAL program to access the refueling section, and study the entire procedure. how should you adjust the height of your monitor; emily thorne revenge net worth; final fantasy tactics all classes; bupa operations manager There are a number of professional development opportunities for aviation instructors, such as Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) seminars, industry conventions, professional organizations, and online classes. Use flight deck technology in a safe and appropriate way, Be confident in a wide variety of flight situations, and, The teaching process organizes the material an instructor wishes to teach in such a way that the learner understands what is being taught. Colors, when used, should provide clear contrast and easily be visible, The usefulness of aids can be improved by proper sequencing to build on previous learning. This concept has led to the adoption of scenario-based training (SBT) in many fields, including aviation. Care must be taken to display only a small amount of material and to make the material as simple but meaningful as possible, Numerous other useful print items may be considered as supplemental training aids. This might be someone saying, "But, what if ?" While developing the lesson, the instructor also should strongly consider the use of examples and personal experiences related to the subject of the lesson, After completing the preliminary planning and writing of the lesson plan, the instructor should rehearse the lecture to build self-confidence. Since the student must remove the position light, install a power supply, and also install the tail strobe light, he or she needs to make several decisions that effect the final weight and balance of the aircraft. This is a useful technique for displaying dial indications or fitting several parts of a component together so relative motion can be simulated, With any projection equipment, instructors should ensure the projector does not obstruct the students line of sight. Although lecture and demonstration-performance may be the methods used most often, being aware of other methods and teaching tools such as guided discussion, cooperative learning, and computerassisted learning better prepares an instructor for a wide variety of teaching situations, Obviously, the aviation instructor is the key to effective teaching. Many of them can be combined during the actual presentation. They should provide an accurate visual image and make learning easier for the student, Another use for instructional aids is to clarify the relationships between material objects and concepts. The controller directed the pilot to two different nearby airports, but both were below minimums. Lectures can be used to present information that would be difficult for the students to get in other ways, particularly if the students do not have the time required for research, or if they do not have access to reference material. Regardless of the teaching or training delivery method used, the teaching process remains the same. The conclusion consists of the summary of the main points. Applicants must be able to read the examination questions in either English or French without assistance. HOME; INTERIORS; EXTERIORS; OFFICE & PORTRAITS; PUBLICITY/EVENTS; CONSTRUCTION; INFO An aviation instructor needs to remember he or she is teaching a pilot or technician who should: Develop and exercise good judgment in making decisions, Adhere to prudent operating practices and personal operating parameters, and, Adhere to applicable laws and regulations. Computer-based training also can be designed so the progress of the student can be tracked and documented. In addition, the Certificated Flight Instructor (CFI) needs to remember he or she is teaching a pilot who should: Seek proficiency in control of the aircraft. In the second, the instructor observes the pilots' behavior during the simulation, gives feedback if necessary and evaluates their skills. In contrast, training media are generally described as any physical means that communicates an instructional message to students. The established criteria or standards to determine whether the training has been adequate are the passing of knowledge and practical tests required by 14 CFR for the issuance of pilot certificates. Facts and ideas that have been logically organized can be concisely presented in rapid sequence. Often, instructors must improvise and adapt to the existing circumstances in order to incorporate quality instructional aids, Some of the most common and economical aids are chalk or marker boards, and supplemental print materials, including charts, diagrams, and graphs. Any of these may be appropriate at one time or another. This allows the student to make decisions that fit his or her experience level and result in positive outcomes. First of all, instructors need to begin planning early to determine what the student group is expected to learn and to be able to do on their own. Within a single period, the instructor may unwittingly present more information than students can absorb, and the lecture method provides no accurate means of checking student progress, Many instructors find it difficult to hold the attention of all students in a lecture throughout the class period. If it is a classroom presentation, the student may be asked to explain the new material. The effectiveness of the instructional aid is critical for this process. This is a good indication that the original version was confusing to that person. The pilot did not report any mechanical deficiencies with the airplane during the attempted approaches. When using this method, instructors should keep their own discussion to a minimum since the goal is student participation, Instructors can also use another form of discussion, the guided discussion method, to ensure the student has correctly received and interpreted subject information, The guided discussion method relies on student possession of a level of knowledge about the topic to be discussed, either through reading prior to class or a short lecture to set up the topic to be discussed. In other words, they must mean the same thing to any knowledgeable reader. Those maneuvers requiring repetition may still be taught during concentrated settings. Refer to Chapter 6, Planning Instructional Activity, for detailed information on requirements for an aviation training syllabus and the building-block concept for curriculum development, The main concern of the instructor is usually the more manageable task of organizing a block of training with integrated lesson plans. under: depths of fear story explained; taidnapam park fishing; what state has the worst soil; unghia incarnita gentalyn beta; It is also a good idea at this time to let students know whether or not questions during the lecture are welcomed. Confusion, disinterest, and uneasiness on the part of the student could happen as a result of not knowing the. [Figure 4-17], In practice, the choice of instructional aids depends on several factors. Students learn from the beginning how to perform the maneuver or procedure and also become familiar with the performance criteria. The most common types are the line graph and the bar graph. instead of "Would you expect an aircraft to require a longer takeoff run at Denver or at New Orleans?" The instructor, although no longer the center of attention, must continue to maintain complete control over the learning environment to ensure learning objectives are being achieved. Open-ended questions of the type used in guided discussion lend themselves readily to concepts of risk management and ADM. Major advantages of CAL are that students can progress at a rate which is comfortable for them and are often able to access the CAL at their own convenience, Another benefit of CAL is the test prep study guides, useful for preparation for the FAA knowledge tests. In addition, since each domain includes several educational or skill levels, training objectives may easily be adapted to a specific performance level of knowledge or skill. [Figure 4-16], Good instructional aids also can help solve certain language barrier problems. Defining a "good instructor" has proven more elusive, but in The Essence of Good Teaching (1985), psychologist Stanford C. Ericksen wrote "good teachers select and organize worthwhile course material, lead students to encode and integrate this material in memorable form, ensure competence in the procedures and methods of a discipline, sustain intellectual curiosity, and promote how to learn independently", Much research has been devoted to trying to discover what makes a "good" or effective instructor. An effective aviation instructor uses the maneuver-based approach of the PTS but presents the objectives in a scenario situation, It has been found that flight students using SBT methods demonstrate stick-and-rudder skills equal to or better than students trained under the maneuver-based approach only. This complex process is enhanced by the use of appropriate instructional aids that highlight and emphasize the main points or concepts, The working or short-term memory functions are limited by both time and capacity. All aviation instructors shoulder an enormous responsibility because their students will ultimately be flying, servicing, or repairing aircraft, but flight instructors have the additional responsibilities of evaluating student pilots and making a decision of when they are ready to solo. In the teaching lecture, the instructor must develop a keen perception for subtle responses from the classfacial expressions, manner of taking notes, and apparent interest or disinterest in the lesson. Be certain of what is to be communicated, Gather the necessary data by researching for support material, Organize the material into an outline or a lesson plan. (See Appendix F.) There are many definitions for PBL, but for the purposes of this handbook, it is defined as the type of learning environment in which lessons are structured in such a way as to confront students with problems encountered in real life that force them to reach real world solutions, PBL starts with a carefully constructed problem to which there is no single solution. The discussions reflect whatever level of knowledge and experience the students have gained, The goal of guided discussions is to draw out what the students know. To learn skills, students must practice. This, coupled with culturally diverse backgrounds of todays students, makes it necessary for instructors to be precise in their choice of terminology. Furthermore, the skill or behavior described should be logical and within the overall instructional plan, Conditions are necessary to specifically explain the rules under which the skill or behavior is demonstrated. For example, the instructor in the opening scenario is an aviation maintenance SME, Effective instructors are not only knowledgeable about aviation, they are also knowledgeable about teaching. Charts, diagrams, and graphs are also in this category. The training record can be reviewed and the students training status easily assessed in case the student transfers to another school or instructor, Another example of enhanced, instructor-oriented material for pilot training is a maneuvers guide or handbook which includes the PTS as an integral part of the description of maneuvers and procedures. With advanced tracking features, CAL also can be used to test the students achievement, compare the results with past performance, and indicate the students weak or strong areas, For most aviation training, the computer should be thought of as a valuable instructional aidand entrusting an entire aviation training program to a computer is not practical. Once again, open-ended "what if" problems encourage the students an opportunity to develop HOTS, A case study is a written or oral account of a real world situation that contains a message that educates the student. The instructor also should carefully consider the class size and the depth of the presentation. If Class D, E, and G airspace are the only airspace types being utilized by a student, save the discussion of A, B, and C airspace until they have operating familiarity with the other types. The instructor usually shows these primary relationships by developing the main points in one of the following ways: from past to present, simple to complex, known to unknown, and most frequently used to least used, In this pattern of development, the subject matter is arranged chronologically, from the present to the past or from the past to the present. Research has shown that learning is an active processthe more involved students are in the process, the better they learn. During a classroom session, the instructor should provide students with an overview of the presentation before showing it. In aviation, the term "training syllabus" is commonly used and in this context it is a step-by-step, building block progression of learning with provisions for regular review and assessments at prescribed stages of learning. Experienced CFIs have been using scenarios that require dynamic problem solving to teach cross-country operations, emergency procedures, and other flight skills for years. The instructor said the incident might have been a catalyst for the rule's implementation in 1981. Enhanced training materials that include these benchmarks can help aviation instructors complete, endorse, and document required training, For example, the training syllabi represent enhanced training material and contain provisions for instructor endorsements and recordkeeping. For these reasons, it is likely to hold the interest of the students, An instructor who is thoroughly prepared or who has made the presentation before can usually speak effectively without notes. In the conclusion the instructor should tie together the various points or topics discussed, and show the relationships between the facts brought forth and the practical application of these facts. Since it has been documented that students learn more effectively when actively involved in the learning process, SBT is also used to train AMTs, The aviation instructor is the key to successful SBT and the overall learning objective in this method of training delivery is for the student to be more ready to exercise sound judgment and make good decisions. Each student should be given the opportunity to discuss the various aspects of the subject, and feel free to do so. For example, inserting conditions narrows the objective as follows: "Using sectional charts, a flight computer, and Cessna 172, navigate from point A to point B while maintaining standard hemispheric altitudes." The instructor uses decision-based training objectives to teach aviation students critical thinking skills, such as risk management and aeronautical decision-making (ADM), The desired level of learning should also be incorporated into the objectives, and these level of learning objectives may apply to one or more of the three domains of learningcognitive (knowledge), affective (attitudes, beliefs, and values), and psychomotor (physical skills). As noted earlier, a PTS already has many of the elements needed to formulate performance-based objectives. The behavior can be physical and overt, or it can be intellectual or attitudinal." Regardless of which is used, it should relate to the subject and establish a background for developing the learning outcomes. The software may include additional features such as image banks with full color photos and graphics, as well as questions or directions which are programmed to create interactivity for students as they progress through the course, The questions or directions are programmed using a branching technique, which provides several possible courses of action for the user to choose in order to move from one sequence to another.

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a flight instructor demonstrates their coaching ability by